Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Winners of the Divine Love Contest

In planning weddings, you hear so many beautiful love stories and what brought them to that point of wanting to take that next step--marriage. Love is not celebrated enough and at Divine Weddings 'N Events, that is all we celebrate! Plus I am a sucker for a good love story, whether it is my own or another person's. That brought me to the thought of hosting a contest for engaged brides. I thought, why not give brides the chance to tell me why they love this man so much and win something out of it. Thus, the "Divine Love Contest" was born (might be an annual thing). Rules were simple: the submissions were to be e-mailed with a picture of the couple, telling me how they met, why they love this person and why they chose to take this step. 

This entry below won my heart over. More so because the guy entered the contest and decided to tell me why he loved his fiance so much. I couldn't help but choose this couple and grant them the grand prize! Read his entry below:

"My name is Dajuan, in reading the description of your contest it seems as if you wanted the future bride to be the one to enter.  How about if I did it a little different and as the groom I share my version of my fiancé and I love story and how I came up with the decision to make her my forever. 
When I first met my fiancé Jackie we started off as co workers. I loved the way she carried herself. She was going through a lot at the time but looking at her one would never know that.  My fiancé kept a smile, she walked with so much confidence, always caring and there for others.  In getting to know my fiancé who at the time was only my coworker we bonded and became best friends. Sure I’ve had a lot of females best friends but none  like Jackie, the word “Friends” actually ment friends.  We would stay up all night on the phone, in my dorm, or on her mother’s couch talking for hours. There were times we would talk so long that behind us was the sun rising.  There was something and still is something about Jackie that there was never a dull moment often times I’d talk to her and fall asleep  she would hang up and when I noticed she hung up I would call her back just to hear her voice say, “Go to be DaJuan good night.”  After befriending Jackie she introduced me to her daughter I’ve never experienced that type of love at first sight until I saw Ja’Niya. Instantly I knew I had to be a part of this little girl’s life.  Jackie had been a single mother for several years and I didn’t understand how anyone couldn’t want to be a part of this beautiful little girl’s life.  From that moment of meeting Ja’Niya we formed an unbreakable bond.  I knew from then I’d make her my daughter.  Jackie has a love and a passion for children that is truly her calling. After meeting Ja’Niya I introduce Jackie and Ja’Niya to Da’Juan Jr. (DJ). At the time DJ was about to turn one and when I saw how Jackie and DJ bonding it was an amazing feeling.  Jackie automatically began to love and treat DJ as her own. 
Everything was perfect Ja’Niya received the father she never had, DJ gained another mother  and me I had the best of all three worlds, I had a daughter, DJ was happy, and most of all God brought someone into my life that makes me happy and accepts my son.  As the saying goes all good things come to an end. Due some immature behavior I lost Jackie.  She is truly one that stands by her word and says what she means.  Jackie and I continued to work together but that was all. Seeing her everyday and knowing that I messed up ate me up inside. The good thing was we were able to still keep it professional in the work place. Jackie would walk pass me and wouldn’t look my way.  I hated the fact that I became invisible to her.  I quit our place of employment because I couldn’t deal with seeing her everyday and knowing that I messed up our good thing. 
Time went pass maybe a year and Jackie was still heavy on my mind she doesn’t believe it but I didn’t date or anything during our time apart I just focused on my son, school and work.  I worked all the time just to keep my mind focused.  My life had really taken a turn for the worst after losing Jackie.  I finally snapped out of it and got back to life. However, it was a Friday I received two calls that changed my life, one saying I could start working next week for a major hair care company and the second was from Jackie.  She called saying she was with some friends and they were looking for something to do.  I instantly began to thank God and I promised if he allowed her to come back in my life I would never do anything to ruin that. Meeting with Jackie we hung out and our bond was instantly rediscovered.  I promised her if she gave me a second chance I would never hurt her.  
7/24/2011 Jackie gave birth to our 1st child together.  I always knew Jackie would be my wife I just didn’t know when.  Jackie and I aren’t the type to move when everyone else wants us to move we had our own agenda. I could have asked Jackie to marry me when we found out she was carrying Joi but I feel like Jackie deserves more and better so I decided to wait.  June 4, 2012 after Joi’s christening I asked Jackie to marry me in front of all of our friends and family she said YES.  I can’t wait to make Jackie my wife.  I want our wedding day to be bigger than something she could imagine.  She is content with not having a big wedding I feel that she deserves to wear a nice big gown, with lots of flowers everywhere and her carriage bringing her to me.  If I could I would give Jackie the world. 
Long story short I decided to make Jackie my wife because she first loves not just me but our kids, she makes me better. Jackie prays for me when I am not praying for myself, she builds me up, motivates me to be a better man, most of all she believes in me regardless of my flaws.  Jackie most definitely deserves true love ."

Congratulations to DaJuan Taylor and Jackie Carter on winning the grand prize of having Divine Weddings 'N Events coordinate their entire wedding for free! I can't wait to meet with this lovely couple and bring this love story to life on their special day! 

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