Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Gifts....& More Gifts!

Months into planning your wedding, family and friends begin to ask you, "Well, where are you registered?" To your surprise, you don't have an answer.  But where do you begin?  Even though, wedding invitations go out 3 to 2 months before your wedding date, you typically begin registering for your wedding gifts 9 to 7 months in advance.  This will allow more than enough time for your guests to shop for your gift.

A few tips when registering:
1.) Register for your wedding in more than 1 store. 
2.) Register for different priced items, ranging from inexpensive to expensive.
3.) Register together-these are items that will be in your new home.
4.) Don't register for items that you will never use. 
5.) Check the store's return policy, just in case you get 2 or 3 of the same item. 
6.) If possible, make your registry available online for guests who are extremely busy.
7.) To eliminate #5 happening, update your registry often.

Side-Note: Never, and I mean never, include your registry on your save-the-date or your invitation. Place this information on your wedding website and have your parents spread the word for you. It is just poor taste to include this information on your stationary items.

So where are some common places to register?

After your wedding and honeymoon is over, you and your new husband must personally thank each guest that attended your wedding, more importantly, thank the guests that took the time to purchase a gift for your new home.  Handwritten cards are the best gesture because it shows that you took the time and put thought into saying "thank you."  This should be done at least six weeks after your wedding.  Don't procrastinate too long!

Thank you for tuning in on today's blog!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Stylish Ways To Leave The Ceremony

You've planned and planned for months and months, now the day is finally here.  You've walked down the aisle to your fiance, exchanged vows and rings and the moment you have been waiting on, "I now pronounce you husband and wife!"  You're finally one and your smile is beaming.  Now, it's time to get the party started with your family and friends.  If you just exchanged your wedding vows at your church and your reception is in a different location, how are you getting there?  You simply can't foot it, unless it's around the corner.  So how do you and your husband plan on leaving your ceremony?? Look below for some options:

The Classic White Limousine
All of the bridal party can leave the ceremony together.

Antique White Car
Having a vintage themed wedding? Perfect for just you and your husband.

Party Bus

Perfect way to get the party started with your bridal party before arriving at the reception.

Yes, you can actually rent these!

Horse-Drawn Carriage
Most suitable for destinations with short distances.

The above options, all has its pro's and con's.  It's best to do research and see what is suitable for your budget.  Majority of places offer discounts for Friday or Sunday weddings.

Thank you for checking in on today's blog!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fall Is Approaching!

With the first day of fall being September 22, it's time to put away the shorts and sandals and bring out the trendy scarfs and boots. In wedding world, weddings are still happening.  Fall weddings are becoming more popular, with wedding season usually ending around mid to late October.  Plan on getting married in September or October?  Let the fall colors be your guide into having a fun wedding!  Look below for some inspiration:








Thank you for checking in on today's blog!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

An Extra Treat

You or your husband may have a sweet tooth that you would want other guests to indulge in with you during your wedding and their are other ways to accomplish this, besides the wedding cake.  A bar.  And not just any kind of bar.  Candy bar, popcorn bar, pie bar, dessert bar, ice cream bar, or any other ideas that your imagination can think of. 

The best way to go about this is to first consider your budget and what is left of it.  This is not a high a priority and should only be considered if there is extra money.  How to achieve this bar?

-Figure out what kind of sweet bar you would like to have at your reception
-Make a list of all the sweets that you would like to have
-Purchase vases in various sizes and scoops
-Create labels of what will be in the vases to make it easier for your guests to know what they are getting
-Have small organza bags or favor boxes for your guests to take all of their goodies home

Sweet bars are usually revealed towards the end of the reception when guests are beginning to leave. This can also be a nice substitute for thank you gifts to your guests. They might get a cavity or two, but they will still enjoy it! :-)

Candy Buffet

Pie Dessert Bar

Popcorn Bar

Ice Cream Bar (perfect for a summer wedding)

Cookie Bar

Simple Dessert Bar

Thank you for checking in on today's blog!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Best Dessert....CAKE!

Yes, wedding cake is the best dessert, especially when it just melts in your mouth no matter the flavor.  So many options to choose from: simple, modern cake; extravagant, 5-tierd cake; cupcake tower cake; no décor; flowers -- so many things to consider when it comes to booking your wedding cake.  You usually will select your wedding cake 6-4 months prior to your wedding date.  Find a baker that is within your budget and that will deliver the vision for your big day.  It may just be a cake, but it's a cake for your BIG day; make it count this one time.  Things you will have to consider when you go to your tasting with the bakers that you have researched are listed below:

1.) When at your consultation with the baker, you will need to decide on a color scheme.  Will you stick to the traditional white icing cake or will your color scheme match your wedding décor?  Any ideas that you have for your wedding, bring those pictures to the consultation, so that you can convey your vision onto the baker.

2.) What kind of cake will it be?  You will more than likely go with your traditional, sponge cake; but its nothing wrong with being different.  It's your wedding day!  Common wedding cake flavors:
*Of course the traditional white wedding cake
*Red velvet

3.) After deciding the cake flavor, will you have any filling?  The list and combination to this is completely endless and guess what? You have the final say-so! :-) Common fillings:
*Fresh sliced strawberries
*Peanut butter crème

4.) Next, what kind of covering?
*Buttercream: smooth and creamy, but not too sweet
*Whipped cream: soft like buttercream, but temperament to heat and humidity
*Fondant: highly recommended for weddings in the summer months; you do not want your cake falling apart by the time that it arrives at the venue
*Naked: a small, new trend where the cake is left uncoated

5.) Lastly, you will want to discuss the overall look of your wedding cake.  Will you be adding flowers, beading, pearls, butterflies.  Get creative and make the wedding cake completely you.

6.) Don't forget to talk about the number of guests that you will be having, pricing, deposit and make sure that the bakery understands what you are expecting of them on your wedding day.

At the reception, you have 2 options for your overall wedding cake: it can either be cut and served to your guests for dessert or it can be cut and wrapped into small bags for your guests to take home.  The final choice is completely up to you.

Thank you for checking in on today's blog

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Winners of the Divine Love Contest

In planning weddings, you hear so many beautiful love stories and what brought them to that point of wanting to take that next step--marriage. Love is not celebrated enough and at Divine Weddings 'N Events, that is all we celebrate! Plus I am a sucker for a good love story, whether it is my own or another person's. That brought me to the thought of hosting a contest for engaged brides. I thought, why not give brides the chance to tell me why they love this man so much and win something out of it. Thus, the "Divine Love Contest" was born (might be an annual thing). Rules were simple: the submissions were to be e-mailed with a picture of the couple, telling me how they met, why they love this person and why they chose to take this step. 

This entry below won my heart over. More so because the guy entered the contest and decided to tell me why he loved his fiance so much. I couldn't help but choose this couple and grant them the grand prize! Read his entry below:

"My name is Dajuan, in reading the description of your contest it seems as if you wanted the future bride to be the one to enter.  How about if I did it a little different and as the groom I share my version of my fiancé and I love story and how I came up with the decision to make her my forever. 
When I first met my fiancé Jackie we started off as co workers. I loved the way she carried herself. She was going through a lot at the time but looking at her one would never know that.  My fiancé kept a smile, she walked with so much confidence, always caring and there for others.  In getting to know my fiancé who at the time was only my coworker we bonded and became best friends. Sure I’ve had a lot of females best friends but none  like Jackie, the word “Friends” actually ment friends.  We would stay up all night on the phone, in my dorm, or on her mother’s couch talking for hours. There were times we would talk so long that behind us was the sun rising.  There was something and still is something about Jackie that there was never a dull moment often times I’d talk to her and fall asleep  she would hang up and when I noticed she hung up I would call her back just to hear her voice say, “Go to be DaJuan good night.”  After befriending Jackie she introduced me to her daughter I’ve never experienced that type of love at first sight until I saw Ja’Niya. Instantly I knew I had to be a part of this little girl’s life.  Jackie had been a single mother for several years and I didn’t understand how anyone couldn’t want to be a part of this beautiful little girl’s life.  From that moment of meeting Ja’Niya we formed an unbreakable bond.  I knew from then I’d make her my daughter.  Jackie has a love and a passion for children that is truly her calling. After meeting Ja’Niya I introduce Jackie and Ja’Niya to Da’Juan Jr. (DJ). At the time DJ was about to turn one and when I saw how Jackie and DJ bonding it was an amazing feeling.  Jackie automatically began to love and treat DJ as her own. 
Everything was perfect Ja’Niya received the father she never had, DJ gained another mother  and me I had the best of all three worlds, I had a daughter, DJ was happy, and most of all God brought someone into my life that makes me happy and accepts my son.  As the saying goes all good things come to an end. Due some immature behavior I lost Jackie.  She is truly one that stands by her word and says what she means.  Jackie and I continued to work together but that was all. Seeing her everyday and knowing that I messed up ate me up inside. The good thing was we were able to still keep it professional in the work place. Jackie would walk pass me and wouldn’t look my way.  I hated the fact that I became invisible to her.  I quit our place of employment because I couldn’t deal with seeing her everyday and knowing that I messed up our good thing. 
Time went pass maybe a year and Jackie was still heavy on my mind she doesn’t believe it but I didn’t date or anything during our time apart I just focused on my son, school and work.  I worked all the time just to keep my mind focused.  My life had really taken a turn for the worst after losing Jackie.  I finally snapped out of it and got back to life. However, it was a Friday I received two calls that changed my life, one saying I could start working next week for a major hair care company and the second was from Jackie.  She called saying she was with some friends and they were looking for something to do.  I instantly began to thank God and I promised if he allowed her to come back in my life I would never do anything to ruin that. Meeting with Jackie we hung out and our bond was instantly rediscovered.  I promised her if she gave me a second chance I would never hurt her.  
7/24/2011 Jackie gave birth to our 1st child together.  I always knew Jackie would be my wife I just didn’t know when.  Jackie and I aren’t the type to move when everyone else wants us to move we had our own agenda. I could have asked Jackie to marry me when we found out she was carrying Joi but I feel like Jackie deserves more and better so I decided to wait.  June 4, 2012 after Joi’s christening I asked Jackie to marry me in front of all of our friends and family she said YES.  I can’t wait to make Jackie my wife.  I want our wedding day to be bigger than something she could imagine.  She is content with not having a big wedding I feel that she deserves to wear a nice big gown, with lots of flowers everywhere and her carriage bringing her to me.  If I could I would give Jackie the world. 
Long story short I decided to make Jackie my wife because she first loves not just me but our kids, she makes me better. Jackie prays for me when I am not praying for myself, she builds me up, motivates me to be a better man, most of all she believes in me regardless of my flaws.  Jackie most definitely deserves true love ."

Congratulations to DaJuan Taylor and Jackie Carter on winning the grand prize of having Divine Weddings 'N Events coordinate their entire wedding for free! I can't wait to meet with this lovely couple and bring this love story to life on their special day! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Feeding Your Guests...

Ever wonder why your budget tends to get out of hand? Yup, you got it right--your wedding reception.  About 50%-60% is accounted for your wedding reception, which includes the venue, food and bar.  But, the style that you choose, can make that percentage drop a little bit & of course your overall guest count will make a huge difference.  Decide on what is within your budget, how many guests can make the cut and talk with different caterers about your budget; they can work with you and suggest different things.  There are different things to take into consideration: style of wedding, cost, guest count and other things.  Be mindful of your overall wedding budget.

Pro: The formality of your wedding can remain formal at all times and your guests will be able to take in the ambiance of your reception set-up.

Con: The #1 downfall to having plated service is that you have to pay per person. So whether you paid for 135 people and only 120 showed up, the missing seats go unaccounted for and you do not get your money. 

Pro: Typically cheaper than plated service, eliminates guests having to stand in lines, also gives guests the chance to mingle more within their tables.

Con: Food can be cold by the time it arrives to the table, guests sometimes do not know how much to take and there might not be enough room at the table for platters; which means that you will have to decrease your decor.

Buffet Style:
Pro: You can choose different themes for your menu choices. The cost can be cheaper by eliminating servers.

Con: Long, long lines, especially if your guest count is extremely high; which can push your reception program back. Even with eliminating servers, you may still come out the same cost because guests may want to go up for seconds.

Cocktail Style:
Pro: You don't have to worry about serving an actual meal. This will give guests a more advantage to mingle. Can possible cut down on the wedding traditions.

Con: Liquor costs may go up because there is less food and people may drink more. Depending on your guest count, you will need to pump up on the volume and variety of hors d'euvres that you offer. *Clearly stating "please join us for a cocktail style reception" on the invitation will indicate to guests that they should not be expecting a meal*

Brunch Style:
Pro: Weddings that occur in the morning are way cheaper. If you are a breakfast person, this will be the best time to dish out your favorite breakfast foods. Wedding day festivities can possibly be done early and you will be able to leave for your honeymoon the same day. Liquor costs will be much lower--who's drinking heavy vodka at 11 am anyway?

Con: May have a few guests who will miss the ceremony because it might be too early for them.

The reception style that you choose is completely up to you and your fiance. Whatever you choose, make sure it's what YOU want and you have fun with you. Remember, you only get to do this day once!

Thank you for checking in on today's blog!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Just the Two of You...

You've said "I do", you've taken pictures with your family and you've taken time to soak in the reality that you are finally married!  So now, it's time for the party to start.  But before that, you and your new HUSBAND (don't you just love how that word sounds?) should have your first dance, forgetting that there is no one else in the room.  Funny thing is, most couples find it difficult to choose their "first dance" song because there are so many endless options.  Just to help you and your fiance make a choice, check out the options below:

Jesse Powell-"You"

Bryan Adams-"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You"

Anthony Hamilton-"The Point Of It All"

Eric Benet ft. Tamia-"Spend My Life With You"

Tony Terry-"When I'm With You"
Chrisette Michele-"Golden"
Shai-"Together Forever"
Musiq Soulchild-"Love"
Babyface-"Every Time I Close My Eyes"
Kenny Latimore-"For You"
Gerald Levert-"I Was Made to Love"
Luther Vandross-"So Amazing"
Johnny Gill-"You For Me"
98 Degrees-"I Do (Cherish You)"
KC & JoJo-"This Very Moment"
Whitney Houston-"I Believe In You & Me"
Jon B-"Now That I'm With You"
Chrisette Michele-"A Couple of Forevers"
Boyz II Men-"The Color of Love"
Jaheim-"In My Hands"
Whitney Houston-"I Have Nothing"
Monica-"Everything to Me"
Pure Soul-"We Must Be In Love"
Kem-"I Can't Stop Loving You"

There are so many options to choose from when it comes to choosing your "first dance" song.  Make it fun and include your fiance, he might have some choices for the both of you. Make the planning process fun!

Thanks for checking in on today's blog!


Friday, July 12, 2013

Divine Love Contest

"I wanna be like those girls in the movies. To have a man so in love it makes him to drop to his knees."

Do you have a love story like the movies "The Notebook" or "A Walk to Remember" and you are a recently engaged bride?

Enter the "Divine Love Contest" and tell me why you and your fiance's love story prevails over all.  What bonded both of you together and why did you say yes?  It has to be something special about this guy that you are you choosing to take his last name and spend the rest of your life with him :-)

The winner of this contest gets Divine Weddings 'N Events to plan their entire wedding for.....FREE!! Yes, I said free!
Any date, any budget; I plan your wedding for free!

All submissions should be directed to with "Divine Love Contest" in the subject field.  Please include a photo of you and your fiance with your submission.  All posts should be submitted by 11:59 pm Wednesday, July 17!  No submissions will be accepted after that.

I look forward to reading all these wonderful love stories!  Every girl deserves true love! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Get Ready Family & Friends!

Your loving boyfriend proposed and is now your wonderful fiance.  You're on cloud 9 and don't want to come down, but guess what?  You eventually have to come back down just for a little bit :-)  You've started planning your wedding and started making big decisions, but there's a small, fun part missing.  Announcing your official wedding date to family and friends.  This information won't be known, of course, until after you book your venue and you know your wedding date will be on that exact day.  So how do you go about announcing this tad bit of information to family and friends?  It's called a "save-the-date".  You send this out 8-6 months prior to the big day with the main information: wedding date, the city the wedding will be taking place, and your wedding website (if you created one).  Countless and creative ideas for save-the-dates; find one that works for the both of you and matches your theme (if you have one).  Check below for some fun ideas!








Hope I was able to give you some good save-the-date ideas.  It's your wedding, get creative!

Thanks for checking in on today's blog!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Chair Swag

If details are your thing, this is the post for you.  Most people look over certain details because they feel it is not important, while others want to make sure that every detail is worked on.  Something so simple as chairs can make a difference at a wedding reception.  I know the day old banquet chairs with chair covers and a satin tie are becoming tried and true.  Here's to trying something new and adding "swag" to your chairs.

Ghost Chair

Fun For An Outdoor Wedding

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